Wallasey Scout Post

Wallasey Scout Post is run in conjunction with Wallasey District Scouts and Wallasey Girl Guiding.  It is part of the bigger scheme of Wirral Charity Christmas Post and has run for the past ten years at the Wallasey District Scout Centre, although the Post has been running for over thirty five.

There are several hundred people involved in the Scout Post, just in Wallasey, who ensure that your Christmas card wearing the Scout Post stamp is delivered to the address on the envelope.  This process involves group personnel, shopkeepers, parents, friends of Scouting and Guiding, all sections of Scouts and Guides and the general public.  This is repeated in another four areas of Wirral.

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions it has become impossible to run the Scout Post Scheme in our usual way.  The Scheme is working behind the scenes to provide a new system, so keep a watch on the main website at Wirral Charity Christmas Post.

An online Christmas card website has been running instead, which allows you to send a card, anywhere in the world, for a donation.