Explorer Forms and Reply Slips

Below is a link for the paper version of a Reply slip needed for all activities out of Headquarters, either for the evening, day or weekend or longer.

Explorer Reply Slips for all activities

Below is a link to an example Explorer Kit List for expeditions.  Depending on the type and length of the expedition the necessary items will vary and Explorers are expected to adapt to these changing conditions.  All Explorers should assemble and pack their own kit.

Example Kit List – Expeditions

Below is a link to the Gift Aid Letter and reply slip.  If you are a taxpayer it would be appreciated if you could complete this and return the reply slip to us electronically or via the post, so that we can make a claim against the subscriptions you are making.  This will help in the long term with the future financial situation for Scouting.  Many thanks.

Explorer Gift Aid letter

Below is a link to an example Explorer Kit List for camps.  Depending on the type and length of the camp the necessary items will vary and Explorers are expected to adapt to these changing conditions.  All Explorers should assemble and pack their own kit.

Exp General Kit List – Camps